Things get a bit trippy when the extension of MCO was announced. It got me good. I was highly anticipating it but it still shocked me when it was announced. The prospect that I needed to work during the week had also me feeling gloomier and just done for.
It turns out good though. I feel better by day and I got to eat good food during the weekend. My colleague who rented a house near the hospital invited me to do this kek milo viral together and I ended coming both days just to eat. They made paratha with curry, nasi lemak which I have been craving for days and also roti puri. My housemates and I have also been so productive that we finally bought our own stove with tong gas (I googled tong gas in English and the best I found is gasholder which does not make any sense). My new housemate has been cooking ayam goreng kunyit with sambal sosej so we ended up sitting together eating decent home-cooked meals which was amazing.
News keep coming in. Now there are speculations and projections of data saying there will be a surge of cases in mid-April. The death toll has risen to 34 cases and it just really put things into perspective. The new Bajet Prihatin funding announced is such a relief cause I've been thinking how bad B40 will be hit as MCO is extended. KKM has been doing so well that now the recovery cases have also risen up. I was so proud that WHO has chooses Malaysia in the research for Covid-19's medicine. What a tremendous acknowledgment!

On the other hand, Gardenia's are back on the shelves but it really moves out fast. Milk's popularity has somehow increased and I am now stuck with Dutch Lady ones. It wasn't as good as HL which is just sad. I bet it was all gone due to dalgona coffee craze. I can breathe well while wearing a mask and it caught me off guard when I first realized it that I ended up checking it multiple times just to make sure I was wearing it correctly. For the record, I always wear the mask correctly. The dispenser now needs to wear a whole-body plastic apron, face shield and also gloves so now we have different daily rosters that have a different dispenser in the morning and in the afternoon.
The daily needs for facemask still risked me for acnes. I started to use back my benzoyl peroxide cream but hydration is still the key for me to heal from any acne. I just bought a new Nutox's toner and essence plus Hada Labo hydrating cream. These have seemed to improve my skin as now it starts to glow healthily again. I guess the ceasing of the Nutox's essence is what made my skin dull. My skin has also become a bit drier than the usual so now I wore my Neutrogenana moisturizer which is heavier and a bit oilier at work. I usually wore this before sleep but since it will be a hassle to bring it back and forth from home to work, I just left it at work. I read somewhere that alternating your moisturizer (gel-based and cream-based) helps your skin to look glowy and it really does but I love doing this for how hydrating my skin feels. I exfoliate my skin last Thursday after not doing so for more than a month as I tried to minimize exfoliating my skin after my peeling treatment. It feels so supple afterward. I'm feeling much better as my skin got so rough up that past two weeks and now has improved well. Yay me.
Oh, by the way, I have been doing so many online shopping that the online thing stopping me is the possibility of judgments I'll get from my colleagues as all the stuffs were posted to the hospital #sorrynotsorry
I want to do a room makeover.
The daily needs for facemask still risked me for acnes. I started to use back my benzoyl peroxide cream but hydration is still the key for me to heal from any acne. I just bought a new Nutox's toner and essence plus Hada Labo hydrating cream. These have seemed to improve my skin as now it starts to glow healthily again. I guess the ceasing of the Nutox's essence is what made my skin dull. My skin has also become a bit drier than the usual so now I wore my Neutrogenana moisturizer which is heavier and a bit oilier at work. I usually wore this before sleep but since it will be a hassle to bring it back and forth from home to work, I just left it at work. I read somewhere that alternating your moisturizer (gel-based and cream-based) helps your skin to look glowy and it really does but I love doing this for how hydrating my skin feels. I exfoliate my skin last Thursday after not doing so for more than a month as I tried to minimize exfoliating my skin after my peeling treatment. It feels so supple afterward. I'm feeling much better as my skin got so rough up that past two weeks and now has improved well. Yay me.
Oh, by the way, I have been doing so many online shopping that the online thing stopping me is the possibility of judgments I'll get from my colleagues as all the stuffs were posted to the hospital #sorrynotsorry
I want to do a room makeover.
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